Adult Dating Sites and Normal Dating Sites

Act 1: "...sometimes i think to myself, am i too over picky, although im not saying here that im bored with whats goin on in my life, i sometimes contemplate, maybe this is where im destined to be, though i still believe that someday, he'll just popped up, eyes meet and hold hands, perhaps a kiss, who knows? just maybe.knees tremble in awe, with the mildest of manners, be it he's penniless or wealth stricken, i do no care...." This is an excerpt from a Dating Site Member which attracted a whole bunch of adventure-seeking, well-convinced hot-blooded young male professionals. Before we get on with this Tutorial, let me remind you that this whole thing about making money on the net is all about Traffic, Leads and Converting that lead into a Sale. A Quality Lead is needed to perfect a Sale, but, 10,000 Traffic Clicks per day is not that all bad as well. In effect, you see yourself on top of the ranks at Google, but with a very bad traffic quality, it will do no help. The Money Site you got going will convert your per lead transaction into percentage payout. Tip: Get a Good Traffic, it all boils down, WE ALL NEED TO CONVERT THAT LEAD INTO A SALE. How To's: First things first, CREATE A LOVELY PROFILE ON A DATING NETWORK.

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